Quality of Customer Su…

Quality of Customer Support is a Hallmark of DSA Deliveries

DSA will employ its robust Quality Management System (QMS) to promote quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) of Seaport – Next Generation (NxG) task orders. Our QMS incorporates DSA’s ISO 9001:2015 registration and our appraisal at CMMI -3 for Service Projects. DSA’s QMS is confirmed with our status as a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner for SharePoint and Hosting and Silver Certified Partner for Application Development. In addition, when appropriate for specific Task Orders, DSA applies the ITIL life-cycle; we maintain a cadre of ITIL-certified professionals. The DSA QMS employs a comprehensive approach which includes a combination of both Quality Assurance (QA), infusing quality into our work while consistently improving our processes, and Quality Control (QC), ensuring our work products and deliverables meet high standards upon delivery to the customer. DSA’s QA focus includes using established processes and procedures while employing continuous process improvement measures to incorporate lessons learned from past quality escapes and updating processes to improve future performance. DSA’s QC includes the collective set of procedures to ensure that a delivered service meets the defined quality and/or performance requirements including the identification, tracking and remediation of quality escapes and errors. With equal focus on both QA and QC, DSA’s QMS will ensure delivery of consistent, exemplary results for Seaport – Next Generation (NxG) customers.