McLean, VA – September 21, 2017 - PPC announced a newly awarded subcontract from Performa USA to modernize the Maryland Enterprise Budget System (MD EBS). Under this seven-year subcontract consisting of a three-year base period and two two-year options, valued at approximately $5M, PPC plays several critical roles in the development of the MD EBS including building the core functionality in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud and performing operations and maintenance. Using functionality already put into production, MD EBS is currently assisting the state to manage its nearly $43B annual budgeting process from budget planning to development to execution.
The overarching objective of the EBS Replacement Project is to implement a comprehensive Solution to allow for a more efficient and effective budgeting and financial management process. Expected benefits include: 1. Streamlines and improves efficiency through reduction in time required to prepare budget analyses, direct analysis within the EBS tool, and automated processing of multiple fund sources within each agency’s budget development cycle. 2. Allows for the incorporation of capital projects that are part of the operating budget. 3. Provides a user-friendly, intuitive budgeting system that will provide a single standard interface at the agency level for budget submissions, allowing for the overall budget development effort to be appropriately distributed and coordinated between stakeholders during budget development. 4. Creates a central warehouse for budget requests which eliminate unnecessary and repetitive manual data entry while providing agencies centralized budget management repository, interfaces for importing of external data necessary for budget development, and centralized and standardized EBS tools for reports, analyses, recommendations, print content and supporting documentation. 5. Using the EBS innovative tools and functionality to eliminate or significantly reduce inefficiencies encountered during budget creation, printing and publishing. 6. Supports complex budget development with interfaces between the budgeting system and systems of record for pertinent enterprise, as well as, the ability to use previous-year actuals and current-year appropriations as needed during budget development. This advanced functionality eliminates the need for manual incorporation of data from Personnel and Accounting systems. 7. Improve data quality and integrity in the budget life cycle through automation of validation of figures and formulas between multiple data sets and systems. 8. Real-time tracking and reporting of actual expenditures against budget appropriations. Providing the ability to prepare ongoing analysis of actuals vs. appropriations during the budget year. Improved budget awareness will allow budget managers to dynamically create, process and incorporate amendments electronically.
This work expands PPC’s rapidly growing presence in the Performance Budgeting solutions and our partnership with Performa. Together the Performa-PPC team have collaboratively worked together and deployed similar solutions in Virginia and Tennessee. In fact, once Maryland goes live, this solution, integrated using each state’s specific business processes and workflows, will support over $110B of performance budgeting per year.
“PPC is pleased to support this critical project for Maryland. Our work in State Budgeting is award winning and adds to our growing list of mission-critical, agile development, and cloud-based legacy system modernization efforts.” said Paul Strasser, PPC Chief Executive Officer and President.
About the Department of Budget and Management
The Department of Budget and Management helps the Governor, State agencies, and their employees provide effective, efficient, and fiscally sound government to the citizens of Maryland. We support agency efforts to achieve results by helping them obtain the fiscal, capital, and personnel resources needed to provide services to Maryland citizens. They are dedicated to providing advice and assistance with professionalism, state-of-the-art technology, modern management techniques, and teamwork.
About Performa
Performa is recognized as an industry leading provider of government-specific budget management software. BIDS, their flagship product, has been implemented around the world at all levels of government and the public sector, including Federal, State, Local, and government-owned utilities.
About Project Performance Company
PPC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Data Systems Analysts, Inc. (DSA) of Trevose, Pennsylvania is a leading Information Technology and Management Consulting firm, delivering mission critical solutions to Federal, State, and Local governments and commercial industry. We are best known for Energy Management & Environmental Sustainability Consulting, Records and Knowledge Management solutions, Information Systems Development & Integration, and Cyber Security and Information Assurance services. With offices in the DC Metropolitan Area and across the nation, we serve Fortune 500 decision makers and Federal, State, and local government agencies to meet mission-critical challenges.
Paul Meyers, Director Integrated Performance Management, (703) 748-7031;