External Agency Orderi…

External Agency Ordering

How to Use the RS3 Contract:

For customers with a Common Access Card (CAC):
(If you have previously logged into the ACC-APG SharePoint Home Page, skip step 1.)

  1. To initiate a requirement, register at the ACC-APG Home Page
  2. Once registered at the ACC-APG home page, click on the following link to submit your customer requirement: RS3 Customer Home Page
  3. Once a requirement is submitted, customers will be assigned a tracking number for each task order.
  4. The RS3 team will work with each customer to develop pre-award documentation. A pre-acquisition package checklist and templates are available at the RS3 Customer Page to utilize for your effort and package development.

Customers without a CAC can submit a request through e-mail:, and a team member will contact you within 2 business days.

Direct Government inquiries: contact Katie Thompson, Contracting Specialist,